The sciatic nerve runs down the back of each leg, and when compressed or irritated, can cause severe leg pain called sciatica. This condition is painful and distracting. If left untreated, it cannot only interfere with a healthy lifestyle, but even cause permanent nerve damage. Chiropractic care has proven to be very effective in both identifying the cause of the pain and correcting the cause of the condition.
What is sciatica? Sciatica usually begins as an acute pain in the lower back and then extends down the back of either leg. The pain may worsen with long periods of sitting or standing, or even from the slightest movement. One of the most common sources of sciatic pain is actually found higher up in the spine, possibly due to a bulging disc or compressed spinal joints putting pressure on the surrounding nerves. Sciatica can be the result of an accident, years of poor posture, excess weight, or other factors. When vertebrae and/or discs interfere with the sciatic nerve, the pain is felt in either or both legs.
What is the safest and most effective care? Pain pills or muscle relaxers are unable to correct nerve irritation caused by the bulging disc or vertebral misalignment. Physical therapy focuses muscles rather than nerves. Surgery, often dangerous and irreversible, can be necessary for a disc pinching the sciatic nerve, but only a small percentage of cases need this drastic measure. Chiropractic care is appropriate for most of these types of cases by taking the pressure off the nerve through safe, effective chiropractic procedures.